Tuesday, December 7, 2010

De Famous (secret recipe) Crawfish Pie

Dis iz for my frien' Jesse who live up in de big Pacific NW. town call'd Oregon, He comes down every Mardi Grass an pass a good time. He been after me for some time now to smuggle him de recipe for de Crawfish Pie, and de Etouffee. Well sha, Here iz de, "Famous (secret recipe) Crawfish Pie". Now don' geaux tolln' it out teux every one either, cause if T'mae ever found out dat I snuck it out de secret recipe book, she'z done gonna skin ma hide an' make me gator bait!
Here's what you gonna need sha:
1 lb dressed crawfish (wit de fat) http://www.decajunmarket.yolasite.com/
3/4 stick O butter, de real stuff sha, not dat other stuff
1 onion
1 bell pepper
1 stem of de celery
1 can, cream de mushroom soup
1 pie shell wit de top, set de top aside to start wit.
2 tablespoons chopped green onion top an' parsley
Creole seasoning teux taste http://www.decajunmarket.yolasite.com/
1 tablespoon O white wine, (reserve tree "3" cups O wine for de chef.)

Now sha, dis is gonna be de easy'est dish you ever gonna did. Chop up dem veggies real fine, brown you some butter in a heavy skillet an' saute up dem veggies wit a pinch of dat seasonning. Add de crawfish wit de fat, mushroom soup and a little bit of water teux all dat. Cover it up an' simmer dat for bout twenty minutes.

Now de las' ting you gonna did before you add dat tuex de pie shell, iz toss in de onion tops an' de celery an' cook dat bout ten more minutes, sha. Now all you gots to deux is toss it all in de pie shell, drink de tree "3" cups O wine, an' bake dat in a 300' oven till de pie shell iz de golden brown! Dat waz easy...

De reason I done did de recipe firs' instead of toll you one of Boudreaux's stories, iz dat ma sister come down from dat big town jes' wes' of here called Texas, an' she toll me she likes de recipe's but get'n treaux all de bull____ stories was a bit much. Now I hope she'z happy, an' now I can toll you de story bout how Boudreaux's wife, Marie, got busted shopliftin a can O peaches jes' las' week!

Ole judge, Willie Carter, he's a creatvie kind O judge, wit a sense of humor teux! he sentenced ole Marie to six day' in jail. One day for each peach in dat can. Now Boudreaux, he stood up an' sez, "your honor, she also took a can of peas"!
Enjoy, Bon Temp Roullette!

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