Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Disposable Income?

I just finished reading an article in Readers Digest about disposable income, I was truley shocked to find that some of the things I considerd junk sitting in the corner of my closet might actually be worth something to someone, somewhere! It's a prety good article and it's chock full of information I never considered. If you"re interested, It"s the November 2009 issue and the author is a lady by the name Amy Maclin. I bet it can be found at I don't think I'm going to verify that however, cause this is just a blogg and it motivated me enough to blogg this in and look deeper into the closet, Oh God! Please don't let me find any skeletons in there! Ha ha.

The article takes the reader by the hand with a getting started, what it's worth, things to consider, how to sell it youself and so on. But here's what I found that I thought was cool. I thought the only place to do that was E-bay! Turns out, that aint the case. E-bay is just the begining. there's lots of online "showrooms" available to the common Joe. E-bay is however probably the biggest and that's why it most likely gets the most attention. There's nothing wrong with that, I like E-bay, I rebuilt my 1982 KZ-1000 motorcycle with parts bought from them. Hey if it works, stick with what ya know! But, I am old school and new to the internet thing. Hey, I love this too! Buying things online and saving money is important to  me. I'm cheap! Ooopps I ment to say I'm thrifty. Hmm same thing according to my daughter. She's all about the internet and new way of commerce. My kid would make a great internet Guru! She got me this far.

I found some great deals also at all kinds of freebies and usefull things I can now put in that corner of the closet and someday maybe think it's junk, or treasure. Any way, that's allI have to say. Hope I helped someone out. See ya round the old funny farm.
Sincerly, Dave

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